New Beginnings
So as you may or may not know Speakeasy Tattoo is closing its doors at the end of may 2015. It’s a situation that’s totally out of my hands, and a lot of you have been asking what we are going to be doing next.It’s taken a few weeks to suss things out but there’s no way we are leaving wellington, this is our home, when the doors opened at 162 cuba street, there were but 4 tattoo shops in wellington city. That number has grown significantly but we have always been about quality over quantity, so this is the perfect opportunity to create a world class studio in the heart of our “coolest little capital in the world”
You guys we tattoo are all fantastic and make our job so enjoyable. I have been tattooing the best part of a decade and i think this is a good push to do my own thing, Sholto Carr will be coming with me and moving into a new space together.
I am back in Europe during May/June so when i return we will hopefully locate and seal the deal on a decent space to move in to, that’s not too far from our current location. We have been looking already, but want something awesome that you will all love to come and get tattooed in. As soon as we have a location and opening date it will be posted online, and we’ll have an open day/party for you all to come and have a look at our new digs.
A new location is a fresh start so we felt it was time for a new name, therefore you will find us under our new name UNION TATTOO
for tattoo bookings in the interim contact us directly and we can let you know where we will be working.
Craigy Lee-
Sholto Carr-
thanks for your constant love, support, emails and facebook messages, you’re all awesome!